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Энциклопедия Растения Дальн...
Актинидия коломикта (Actinidia kolomikta)
Актинидия острая (Actinidia argute)
Актинидия полигамная (Actinidia polygama)
Manchurian aralia, Japanese angelica-tree, devil's tree
Amur cork tree, Amur velvet
Бересклет малоцветковый (Euonymus pauciflora)
Daurian birch, Asian black birch
Берёза плосколистная (Betula platyphylla)
Виноград амурский (Vitis amurensis)
Вишня сахалинская (Cerasus sachalinensis)
Граб сердцелистный (Carpinus cordata)
Дуб монгольский (Quercus mongolica)
Жимолость раннецветущая (Lonicera praeflorens)
Ильм (вяз) лопастный (Ulmus laciniata)
Ильм (вяз) японский (Ulmus japonica)
Калопанакс семилопастный (Kalopanax septemlobus)
Клён бородатый (Acer barbinerve)
Клён зеленокорый (Acer tegmentosum)
Клён ложнозибольдов (Acer pseudosieboldianum)
Клён мелколистный (Acer mono)
Леспедеца двуцветная (Lespedeza bicolor)
Лещина маньчжурская (Corylus mandshurica)
Липа амурская (Tilia amurensis)
Маакия амурская (Maackia amurensis)
Manchurian walnut
Needle fir, black fir
Рябина ольхолистная (Sorbus alnifolia)
Рябинник рябинолистный (Sorbaria sorbifolia)
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Сосна корейская (Pinus koraiensis)
Таволга уссурийская (Spiraea ussuriensis)
Japanese yew
Aspen, European aspen
Amur tree lilac
Woodland jasmine (Philadelphus tenuifolius Rupr. et Maxim.)
Faxinus mandshurica
Ясень носолистный (Fraxinus rhynchophylla)
Amur tree lilac

Syringa amurensis Rupr. (Ligustrina amurensis Rupr. )

Amur tree lilac

Family - Oleaceae

It is easily recognized by the large, dense and branchy bunches of fruits reaching of up to 25 cm in length and 20 cm in diameter. The fruits are distinctive oblong leathery pods with two dehisced valves, 1.5 cm in length and 0.3-0.4 cm in width.

The bark is dark-grey or brown with well-marked white transversal lentils similar to Maximowicz's cherry (Cerasus maximowiczii) but distinguished from the latest by the presence of the opposite buds on the brownish-brown sprouts.

It is a tree of up to 10 m and, rarely up to 12-15 m height with a trunk diameter of 20-30 cm. Sometimes, it is a large shrub. It lives about 90-100 years.

It grows in the mixed valley forest and shrub brushwoods and occasionally by the rocky wooded slopes. Sometimes, it rises in mountains to 600 m above sea level.

It is valuable anti-erosive species.

Its wood is hard and workable. It is also called «rattle-wood» as damp wood burns with a loud cracking, scattering sparks and coals over some metres. It is used in planting of greenery.

Distribution in the Russia's Far East. Primorsky and Khabarovsky Krais, Amurskaya Oblast.

General distribution. China, Korean Peninsula.

Authors: Marina N. Chipizubova, Ludmila M. Pshennikova

Photo: Marina N. Chipizubova, Ludmila M. Pshennikova, N. Razzhigaeva

Collage by: Evgenia V. Bibchenko

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