Бакалин В.А., Боровичев Е.А.

Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce (Hygrobiellaceae, Hepaticae) –
новинка для флоры печеночников Приморского края и новые данные
о распространении вида в муссонном климате

© В.А. Бакалин1, Е.А. Боровичев2

1Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН, Владивосток, Россия
2Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера, ФИЦ КНЦ РАН, Апатиты, Россия

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Hygrobiella laxifolia
впервые найдена на юго-восточной оконечности Приморского края (российский Дальний Восток). Эта находка является первой на восточной окраине умеренной зоны на Евроазиатском континенте и второй в области распространение муссонного климата в Восточной Азии. Приводится обзор распространения таксона и оригинальные иллюстрации, составленные на основе материалов из Приморского края.

Ключевые слова: печеночники, российский Дальний Восток, Hygrobiella, Hepaticae.

Список литературы

Bakalin V.A., Vilnet A.A. 2014. Two new species of the liverwort genus Hygrobiella Spruce (Marchantiophyta) described from the North Pacific based on integrative taxonomy. Pl. Syst. Evol. 300 (10): 2277–2291. CrossRef

Borovichev E.A., Bakalin V.A. 2016. Survey of the Russian Far East Marchantiales IV: A revision of Ricciaceae (Hepaticae). Botanica Pacifica. 5(2): 3–29. CrossRef

Chien G. 2003. Cephaloziaceae. In: Flora Bryophytorum Sinicorum (ed. Wu PC). Vol. 9. 146–175 pp. (In Chinese)

Damsholt K. 2002. Illustrated flora of Nordic liverworts and hornworts. Nordic Bryological Society. Lund. 837 pp.

[Schljakov] Шляков Р.Н. 1979. Печеночные мхи Севера СССР. Вып. 2. Л. 192 с.

Schuster R.M. 1974. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the North America. Vol 3. New York.

Söderström L., Hagborg A., Konrat M. von, Bar-tholomew-Began S., Bell D., Briscoe L., Brown E., Cargill D.C., Costa D.P., Crandall-Stotler B.J., Cooper E.D., Dauphin G., Engel J.J., Feldberg K., Glenny D., Gradstein S.R., He X., Heinrichs J., Hentschel J., Ilkiu-Borges A.L., Katagiri T., Konstantinova N.A., Larran J., Long D.G., Nebel M., Pôcs T., Felisa Puche F., Reiner-Drehwald E., Renner M.A.M., Sass-Gyarmati A., Schâfer-Verwimp A., Moragues J.G.S., Stotler R.E., Sukkharak P., Thiers B.M., Uribe J., Váňa J., Villarreal J.C., Wigginton M., Zhang L. & Zhu R.-L. 2016. World checklist of hornworts and liverworts. PhytoKeys. 59: 1–828. CrossRef

Spruce R. 1882. On Cephalozia (a genus of Hepaticae) its subgenera and some allied genera. Slater. Malton. 99 pp.

Hygrobiella laxifolia (Hook.) Spruce (Hygrobiellaceae, Hepaticae) –
the new record for the liverwort flora of Primorsky Territory and the new data
on distribution of the taxon in monsoon climate

© V.A. Bakalin1& E.A. Borovichev2

1Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia

2Institute of Problems of Industrial Ecology of the North, FRC KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia

Hygrobiella laxifolia was found in the southernmost flank of Primorsky Territory (Russian Far East) that is the only record of the species in continental part of temperate Asia and the second record of the taxon in the areas with monsoon climate in eastern Eurasia. The present record confirms possibility of occurrence of the taxon in other areas of East Asia under monsoon climate. Paper provides discussion on distribution of the taxon, as well as illustrations prepared from newly collected material of the species.

Keywords: liverworts, the Russian Far East, Hygrobiella, Hepaticae.


Bakalin V.A., Vilnet A.A. 2014. Two new species of the liverwort genus Hygrobiella Spruce (Marchantiophyta) described from the North Pacific based on integrative taxonomy. Pl. Syst. Evol. 300 (10): 2277–2291. CrossRef

Borovichev E.A., Bakalin V.A. 2016. Survey of the Russian Far East Marchantiales IV: A revision of Ricciaceae (Hepaticae). Botanica Pacifica. 5(2): 3–29. CrossRef

Chien G. 2003. Cephaloziaceae. In: Flora Bryophytorum Sinicorum (ed. Wu PC). Vol. 9. 146–175 pp. (In Chinese)

Damsholt K. 2002. Illustrated flora of Nordic liverworts and hornworts. Nordic Bryological Society. Lund. 837 pp.

Schljakov R.N. 1979. Pechyenochnyye mkhi Severa SSSR [Liverworts of the North of the USSR]. Vol. 2. Leningrad. 192 pp.

Schuster R.M. 1974. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the North America. Vol 3. New York.

Söderström L., Hagborg A., Konrat M. von, Bartholomew-Began S., Bell D., Briscoe L., Brown E.,Cargill D.C., Costa D.P., Crandall-Stotler B.J., Cooper E.D., Dauphin G., Engel J.J., Feldberg K., Glenny D., Gradstein S.R., He X., Heinrichs J., Hentschel J., Ilk-iu-Borges A.L., Katagiri T., Konstantinova N.A., Larran J., Long D.G., Nebel M., Pôcs T., Felisa Puche F., Reiner-Drehwald E., Renner M.A.M., Sass-Gyarmati A., Schâfer-Verwimp A., Moragues J.G.S., Stotler R.E., Sukkharak P., Thiers B.M., Uribe J., Váňa J., Villarreal J.C., Wigginton M., Zhang L. & Zhu R.-L. 2016. World checklist of hornworts and liverworts. PhytoKeys. 59: 1–828. CrossRef

Spruce R. 1882. On Cephalozia (a genus of Hepaticae) its subgenera and some allied genera. Slater. Malton. 99 pp.

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